Letter from the Elders

July 30th, 2023


Dear College Heights,

Don’t fear change. It leads to opportunities for serving and growth in ways that you have not even imagined. Our God is an awesome God who delights to work through us for His glory. Although we prove imperfect, Jesus has promised never to leave us. By abiding in Him and letting Him abide in us He promises College Heights will produce bountiful fruit. In Isaiah, God says His hand is not too weak to save nor his ear too deaf to hear. Not only does he hear our plea for help, He has more than enough power to grant what we need. As we ask for His guidance in calling a shepherd, trust Him to lead us to the man of His choosing.

Remember what you have received and heard from this very stage. You have a heritage of abeing taught the truth by many Godly voices speaking into your life. You have learned life lessons from your own experiences and stories shared by others. Use these faithful witnesses to strengthen your faith, and fortify your resolve to bring into captivity every thought to obey Christ. Hunger for God’s word continuously. Embrace the College Heights mission of making disciples that change the world.

Love one another as Jesus loves you. Forgive past offenses and build bridges instead of walls. Go out of your way to be kind. Look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others. Treasure all of the parts of the body of Christ that gather here.

Do not neglect the special gifts and abilities God has placed in you. The richness of life depends not on accumulating things but engaging with passion where the Lord leads you to serve. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding, seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take.

Now is the time to put what you know into practice. Stay in the game. Allow God to live through you in unexpected ways. Be open to unanticipated opportunities that interrupt your day. Jeremiah, a prophet of God, said “I know Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course.” Make this a part of your prayer to God. Father, use me how you will so that I experience supernatural life serving as an instrument of your love that overcomes the world.

College Heights—don’t fear change, use it as a springboard to grow in the Lord.


Hebrews 13:5, John 15:5, Isaiah 59:1, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Philippians 2:4, Proverbs 3:5, Jeremiah 10:23


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