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As people who have been given the Greatest Gift, we respond in the only way we can: gratitude. And one of the best ways we can show gratitude is by becoming givers ourselves . . .

Holy Week: Palm Sunday
Hey College Heights Family,
Holy Week is about recognizing the uncommon in the midst of our regular lives. As we get closer to Easter Sunday, let us make this week one where we allow the story of God to bleed into our experiences . . .

30 Days of Prayer
Ramadan, the 30-day fasting period for Muslims spanning from March 10th-April 8th, is approaching. For years the global church has intentionally prayed for Muslims during this time, specifically for Jesus to visit them in dreams and visions. . .

Staff Announcement
Over 15 years ago, Jeff White joined the staff at College Heights as a minister. Anyone who has been around Jeff knows that he is through and through a servant of the church . . .

Staff Announcement
Hey College Heights family,
There is a bit of a motto around College Heights, “We take care of each other.” Over the past seven months, I have seen this to be true over and over . . .

Letter from the Elders
Dear Church,
Many of you have been good and faithful workers in this church for years. Your work serving in so many areas is so appreciated. Thank you.

Letter from the Elders
Dear College Heights,
I thank God for this church. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.