Letter from the Elders

August 6th, 2023


Dear College Heights,

I thank God for this church. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.

It is right for me to feel this way about you because I have you in my heart. From our first day here, 27 years ago, my family has been a part of THIS family. We have raised our kids here together with you. You have been our home. Most of our closest friends have come from you. And I know that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus!

We, like the church Philadelphia, are to be a center of love. The word “philia” means the kind of love that strong friends feel toward each other. Jesus said that people will know we belong to Him by how well we love and take care of each other. Jesus prayed for us in John 17. (He prayed for those who will believe through the Apostles’ message. This was right before his arrest and crucifixion.)

He prayed that we would be united so that the world would believe that God had sent Him.

Though we have never done it perfectly, we have always been a church that cared well for each other. I pray that we will continue to grow in our hospitality and the carrying of each other’s burdens.

Our “Trials” and “Tests” that Nathan spoke about today have not surprised God!

Not our trials as individuals. And not our trials as a Church. God sits with us in those times. He walks with us in those times. We choose how we respond. His plan for us in unshaken. He will continue to use us as long as we keep His Word in patient endurance as we follow Him and seek His face! Christ has given us the tasks to love Him and love others, to go and make disciples, and to BE His witnesses. Do this with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. (I must say here: In order to make disciples and be His witnesses, we MUST be a people who know and love God’s Word. We must be in the Bible daily.)

Finally, we have so much to celebrate! So much that is good! So much to be thankful for: missionaries on the field, a building that is paid for – with a quality school within its walls, a staff that serves and cares about us, an awesome interim preacher who comes from within our congregation, a place for you – whatever your age. (I get to be a part of a Sunday school class that comes prepared each week to study God’s Word together! Not just to be fed by the teacher, but to feed and care for each other!) We have this dynamic prayer ministry that prays each Sunday over every seat in this room – for the people who will be in them. They are praying for us right now while we are in this service. And they will be praying together up front in just a few moments. You are invited to join with them or be prayed for on either side. We have so much to be thankful for!

We have an “open door” to Jesus. This open door is both for us to walk through and for us to help others find it.

Let’s go take care of each other!


Church People


Church People