Youth Ministry
We exist so that
students love Jesus.

What We Do
Sunday Mornings @ 9:00AM
A down-to-earth environment where Middle and High Schoolers can gather, drink some coffee and discuss important things together.
Wednesday Nights @ 6:30PM
We’ll sing. We’ll laugh. We’ll learn. We’ll discuss in discipleship groups. It’ll be awesome. In the chapel.
Trips and Events
Sometimes we go on amazing trips. Sometimes we play at a park. Stay tuned to the Events page for all the upcoming awesomeness.
Middle school is one of the most important developmental times in a person's life. Kids are starting to figure out foundational aspects of their identity, asking BIG questions about life and faith, and have such an important need to belong to a solid church family. We aim to provide a solid faith community for students to discover who they are in Christ. Students are ready to branch out and develop their own faith and form relationships with godly adults. We want kids to have a radical and foundational aspect of the gospel, and to love Jesus in everything!
High school is a time to ask tough questions, and often, to make big decisions. Students are taking some of the most important life steps that they’ve made up until this point, and that’s true for their faith as well. Now is the time when students begin to take a hard look at a personal relationship with Jesus. We believe that, as a ministry, we should be a Christ-centered resource for questions, a connection point between students and godly, prayerful leaders, and a source of relationships that always point to the truth of the Scriptures. In these formative years, we prayerfully strive to help students establish a foundation of faith to last their whole lives.