Staff Announcement

Hey College Heights Family,

Every family goes through seasons. They have seasons of hardship and seasons of happiness. They have seasons where they gain new members of the family, and seasons when they lose others. They have seasons of change, and seasons of consistency. Today is a day as a family when we get to walk through a new season with Josh and Denise Beck as they make a big life change. Below is a letter they have written for all of us:

Dearest College Heights family -

It’s with no small amount of prayer and wrestling that Denise and I write to share with you today that over the next four to five months, I will be transitioning off of staff here at College Heights.  

Starting July 1st, I will begin serving as the Executive Director of Barnabas International.  Barnabas International is a missionary care organization that shepherds global workers and trains global shepherds. Although this means I will be stepping away from serving a body that I love, I’m honored and humbled to be invited to serve the Kingdom in this way in the coming years.

We did not reach this decision easily or lightly.  After I was approached to consider this position, we gathered a small community of people around us to walk with us, pray with us, discern God’s leading, and advise us. Through this process we sensed it was time to enter a new season of ministry.  

Truthfully, our story is inextricably linked to this church family.  From getting married in the chapel in 1996, orange carpet and all, to being invested in by the likes of Dick and Linda Crabill, the Schrage’s, Ann Moyer, the DeWelts, the Gonzalez’, and so many more that we don’t have the room to mention. Here, at College Heights, we have seen the love and grace of God, we have learned and grown in passion for the mission of God (both here in Joplin and among the nations), and we have learned from you what it means to really follow Jesus. The heartbeat of our hearts is and will forever be in rhythm with you as our church family. While I will no longer be on staff, we feel that rhythm beating in us no matter where we go. You are our spiritual heritage, and we fully trust the elders and staff to carry on that College Heights heritage of making disciples who change the world.  

Please feel free to reach out to Denise and I should you have questions.  

We love you deeply.  


Josh and Denise Beck


It is always extremely difficult to see someone we deeply love and care for make a transition in their life that is unexpected, especially when it brings about a lot of change. Words cannot begin to express the impact that Josh, Denise, and the entire Beck family have had on our church family, not solely during Josh’s time on staff, but over the last several decades. Josh’s tenure on staff will be marked by the re-engagement and re-launch of our church’s heart for raising up and sending out workers for the harvest field. I also believe that the current health of our staff, the healthy relationship with College Heights Christian School, and the health of our global partners are all a direct result of Josh’s intentionality, clear mind, and shepherd’s heart. While we will miss Josh serving in this role on staff, we know that our relationship with him and his family started before his role on staff and will continue on after. Once a part of the family, always a part of the family. 

As always, when God has a plan for Josh and the entire Beck family, he also has a plan for us. I truly believe God has been preparing someone since the beginning of time to come in and fill the roles that Josh has been fulfilling these last several years. Because we have a bit more of an extended timeline before Josh begins his new role at Barnabas International, he will be able to assist us in creating a transition plan so that none of Josh’s responsibilities fall through the cracks. Please be praying for this process, as well as for Josh, Denise, and the entire Beck family as we begin this transition process together. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or one of our elders at the emails listed below.


Sy Huffer
Lead Minister


March Bible Reading Plan


February Bible Reading Plan