Letter from the Elders

July 2nd, 2023

Dear College Heights,

Jesus Christ sees you. He’s never stopped seeing you. He sees you invite into your homes college students who are far from their own. He sees you rock babies and set out communion. He sees you stand on stage and sit behind cameras. He sees you lead and participate in groups, small and large. He sees you not quit. He sees you hold doors to welcome and hold hands to pray. He sees you train, equip, and send global partners around the world so that His name, not ours, could be taken to the ends of the earth. In easy times, and in difficult times. In times of clarity and in times of transition. While you have endeavored to keep your eyes on Him, His eyes have never once left you.

The truth that you’ve clung to remains. That sharp double-edged sword does not dull over time. It continues to teach, correct, train, and encourage. And that’s good news, College Heights, because it is the light for our feet and the lamp for our path. We aren’t discouraged when it only lights up a couple of steps at a time, instead, we thank God for His presence and the leading of His Spirit.

When we worship here, and when we go out there let’s always do so with the tender heart of Jesus. Let’s be a church whose deep love for our Savior fuels an authentic love for the people he’s placed around us, both within these walls and outside of them. Let’s be a people whose single-minded focus on God leaves us no choice but to live out His gospel message in our homes, workplaces, schools, online spaces, and neighborhoods. It’s His love that compels us to no longer live for ourselves but for Him who died for us and was raised again.

You’ll never walk alone, you’ll always walk in His grace, so let’s go in His peace.


Letter from the Elders


June Bible Reading Plan