Letter from the Elders

July 9th, 2023


Dear College Heights,

Remember who you are. Remember who God has called you to be...called us to be.

During this time of transition, be a person of prayer. Search the scriptures and learn to see yourself as God sees you. Our estimation of ourselves is far less important than God's estimation of us. Remember who you are! Beloved child (Eph 5:1), heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17), fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14), made for a purpose (Eph 2:10), chosen (1 Pet 2:9), blessed (Gal 3:9), the apple of his eye (Deut 32:10), redeemed and forgiven (Eph 1:7). College Heights, God rejoices over you with singing! (Zeph 3:17)

During this time of transition, I want to encourage you. A church is not her pastor (or lead minister). The Church is the bride of Christ! During this time of transition, we need to be busy doing the work of the Church.

When my kids were younger, I told them that one of the best things they could do to find a future spouse was to work on themselves and become the type of person that would attract the spouse they had in mind. I want to borrow that idea for a second. During this time of transition while we are looking for a new lead minister, now is not the time for passivity. This is a time for growth. A time to lean in. You are the church! Capital "C" Church! When God brings us a new lead minister, let's not be found wandering like lost sheep. Let's be found giving a cup of cold water. Let's be found feeding the physically and spiritually hungry. Let's be found doing the work of the church...loving God and loving each other.

Now, more than ever, the church - this church - is not a place to come to be entertained. This is a place to come to take good care of each other and to let iron sharpen iron. So, don't wait dear Christian. Don't wait for a preacher to show you Jesus. Find him yourself! Be closer to Jesus when the "new guy" comes than you are now. Take responsibility for your relationship with Jesus. We are not just looking for a leader, we are looking for someone to join us in what God is doing here. What is he doing here with you? Let's be like a kid on Christmas morning...giddy with excitement...anxiously waiting...expecting something great to happen. What will Jesus do? What does he have planned?

During this time of transition, remember who you are, remember who He is: The God who sees you (El-Roi Gen 16:14-15). The God who provides (Yahweh Yireh Gen 22:13-14). The God who heals (Yahweh Rapha Ex 15:26). The God who protects (Yahweh Tsuri Ps 18:2). The God who transforms us (2 Cor 3:18).

A time of transition can be a time of transformation, let God transform you.

Don’t step back...lean in.


Letter from the Elders


Letter from the Elders