Staff Announcement

Dear College Heights family,

We, the elders, are writing to communicate a few important things to you today.

As God often does, he has been working behind the scenes, and he has been working in the hearts of Sy and Monica to plant a church in Florida. So, Sy is officially resigning as the lead minister of College Heights.

Here is a letter from Sy and Monica:

Dear College Heights Family,

My wife, Monica, and I have committed our lives to asking the Lord of the Harvest to raise up and send out workers into the harvest field. We prayed this as we invested in College students and church planters in Indiana, we prayed this as we engage in Unreached People Groups all around the world through College Heights, and we prayed this for the 260,000 unchurched people that live within an hour drive of Joplin. Every time we prayed this, our hope and conviction was that God would raise up workers and send them to people in dire need of Jesus.

Yet, when you pray that prayer, the result of that prayer is that God typically ends up sending you. This is what happened to us.

In October, 2022, Monica and I were approached by a friend asking us to pray about planting a church in the state of Florida. We want to be clear that we were not looking, we were not discontent or unhappy or angry about what was happening here at College Heights or with our staff or leadership. We were excited, believing God was moving in a new, fresh, and exciting way at College Heights. Yet, we always take these kinds of conversations seriously and we committed to praying and fasting for forty days with another family about planting in Florida. The result of that season of discernment was unity and conviction between both families that we needed to take the next step, which led to a six-month season of discernment. We did site visits, Church planting assessments, and multiple interviews and each of these steps continued to confirm the call on our lives to leave our current kingdom assignment for a new one, to plant a church in Naples, Florida with Aaron and Melissa Smith, another College Heights family.

This has been an incredibly tough decision. It is bittersweet. Know that it took months of arguing with God to finally feel at peace, because we love you all so very much. It was a grueling process, yet my wife, my family, my support system, and the leadership of College Heights all believe that this is how God has been leading and guiding my family these last six months.

What is crazy is that God had put Josh Beck and me on two separate journeys during this season of prayer and fasting that neither of us were aware of the other’s distinct calling and journey. We were hired one week apart, were yoked together in ministry for seven years, weathered the same storms and celebrated the same victories, and will now be transitioning to new kingdom assignments at the same time as well. All of this points to my conviction that God is up to something new here, and I’m excited to see what it is.

I cannot put into words how grateful I am for the elders and for you, my church family, for taking a chance on a twenty-seven year old rookie as their lead minister back in 2016. I believe that I have grown more in these last seven years than any other seven years of my adult life. You all did that. You all helped me grow as a husband, a father, a pastor, a preacher, a leader, and ultimately a follower of Jesus.

I want to say thank you to three groups:

First, to our elders. You all saved my ministry last year. Thank you for being so generous, and gracious, and gentle with me when I was most vulnerable and fragile. You stood by me in the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, and because of that I am eternally grateful.

Secondly, I want to thank every staff member who worked with me these last seven years. Over and over again you all continued to follow me, support me, and challenge me in my shortcomings as well as in my strengths. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. Every single season of our staff has been a joy for me in one way or another, and I’m going to miss all of you so much.

Lastly, to my church family. I am incredibly humbled that you all have stood by me and supported me through all of the mountain tops and valleys these last seven years have been. You all have been patient with me, you have given me grace when I desperately needed it and have helped me grow into the man who stands before you today.

Thank you for partnering with me in the work of making disciples who change the world. Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians echo my sentiment towards you, “For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.”

I am resigning from my position as Lead Minister at College Heights. I will serve my last 90 days the best way I know how, continuing to preach the word, serve the church, reach the lost, and shepherd God’s flock. June 27th will be my last day on staff, we will then move to Naples Florida to plant a church in a place that is incredibly lost and rapidly growing.

Please pray for God to be honored in every way in this transition for both College Heights and our family. We love you and believe the best days of College Heights are still ahead of her.

With all of the love we possess,

Sy and Monica Huffer


Sy has served and led faithfully these past seven years and we are thankful he has been here during this season. We are sorry to see him leave and at the same time we are confident that God is also working here at College Heights to provide and guide us in the coming months and years. The small irony in all of this is our DNA of raising up and sending out followers of Jesus has led us to now send out our lead minister. Without a doubt, we believe God is at work here at College Heights through all of this. Here are some things we want you to know:

1. We love you and are committed to you and to one another as a church family. We need one another and this season is no different. Sy and Monica will be here until June 27th.

2. We have a trustworthy Good Shepherd who provides and directs us and longs to see his flock flourish and grow.

3. While some specific details of this transition are still to come, we do have a plan already in motion to walk through the coming months.

a. One of our own family members, Jason Poznich, who has been serving on our preaching team, will fill the role of interim preacher and head up our preaching team as we conduct our search.

b. Craig Davenport will lead the staff as the interim Executive Minister.

c. And we are putting together a search committee made up of elders and some of you to begin looking for a new lead minister.

d. Making disciples will continue. Our mission as a church is not dependent on one person – it is dependent on God and Him alone.

4. We will communicate with you frequently during this process to help keep you in the know. It is our hope that this process is not drug out but that God provides quickly.

As shepherds of this congregation, know that we love you and are committed to making disciples of Jesus who change the world.

We ask that you pray for the College Heights family and leadership during this time. Will you pray for God to provide a new lead minister in His perfect timing? Can we pray together that peace, grace, love, and joy will saturate all of us? And will you pray for Sy, Monica, Geri, and Chandler as they are sent to plant a church?

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The College Heights Elders


Watch the announcement made during our in-person service on Sunday, April 16th.

Be sure to scroll through to the end of the service!


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